A North Texas educational organization dedicated to inspiring young people through an arts-based, academic world-view.
TeSA Families,
This will be one of the longest newsletter of the year, filled with information you need to be ready for the first day of school on Monday, August 15th. Some of the sections are repeated from the last newsletter to make sure no one has missed the information. Everything you need on your to do list is labeled “action item” so it stands out. Please start by reading the Back-to-School Reminders linked below and attending the TeSA Blastoff on Wednesday.
You’ll find a list of our TeSA contacts at the very bottom of the newsletter. If you have any questions, please let us know.
Artistically & Academically Yours,
Betsy Compton, M.A., M.A.T., M.Ed.
To read the full newsletter, CLICK HERE.